Through a variety of approaches, including CLEP (American History II), AP credit from high school (American History I), a course transferred from a local community college (World History II), and three courses online at SNHU (World History I, Modern War and Society, and Making History), I have completed half of the courses in the history major at SNHU, with six more to go. Since I intend to focus on 20th century Europe, the courses I have left to take are courses on World Wars I and II, Modern Europe 1890 to Present, and Modern Russia. The final two courses are a thesis-writing course and an elective -- right now, I'm thinking I'll take a graduate-level research course for the elective, but that's a year away now.
My tuition remission perq requires that I take no more than four courses per year (unless I pay for them). So as not to violate that limit, I cannot take a course again until April 11, when I intend to take the course on Modern Russia. In preparation for that course, in which I intend to focus on the Great Purges, I have been reading fairly broadly in that area, including Conquest's The Great Terror and now on to J. Arch Getty's Origins of the Great Purges and a relatively recently published translation of the Ryutin Platform. More on that topic as my ideas develop.
Finally, I'll be spending the next few weeks writing up some material from the Nazi occupation of Latvia and the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto established at Riga in November and December 1941, the subject of some controversy in the historical community. I will post that material both here and at Holocaust Controversies, hopefully in the next few days.
Other Stuff I'm Reading
Universal Fascism: The Theory and Practice of the Fascist International, Michael Ledeen
The Anatomy of Fascism, Robert O. Paxton
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